Choice Events

India International Movement to the United Nations (IIMUN)

The IIMUN conference is an annual event hosted by The Choice School with 300 delegates from Kerala and Tamil Nadu.  Students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. It provides an opportunity for students to hone their skills in research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation and writing in a structured and competitive environment.

TEDX Choice School

TEDx is a self-organized event that brings people together to listen to live TED talks from renowned guest speakers. The event is completely organised, coordinated and conducted by students of the Senior school. Students obtain licenses and decide guest speakers. There is a theme dedicated to every edition. Speakers from different walks of life share their experiences on the platform.


Fringes is an annual inter school theatre competition hosted by The Choice School to inculcate theatre awareness and celebrate performing arts and its different nuances. Fringes opens up new facets of drama and other performing arts. Students of schools from in and around Cochin take part in the event with zeal and enthusiasm. This venture caters to enhancing creativity and innovation in expression.


Impulse is the celebration of art, culture and youthful exuberance. It is a cultural extravaganza organized annually by our senior school students. The event focuses on enhancing innovation, teamwork, creativity and communication. More than 300 students from different CBSE schools across Cochin participate in various events competing with each other and showcasing their talents.

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